
We moved to a new office!

We recently moved to our brand new office. We upgraded from our cosy little office (the fancy Steve Jobs garage box as we called it) to an office with a fantastic view over the three towers of Ghent. Because yes, of course we stayed in Ghent.

Finding our perfect office space

After visiting several offices with the team, we finally found the one. At that point, it was completely empty, but we all felt it was the right place for us. The empty space meant a lot of work was ahead, but it also meant we could design it exactly how we wanted. So, we got to work.

Teamwork makes the dream office

We collaborated with an architect to draft the plans. A few weekends later, the whole team, along with some friends and family, were plastering, sanding, and painting the walls. We personally selected the desks, furniture, and decor. Before long, our office was complete!

We finished a week later than expected, leaving us without an office for a short while. We went back to where it all started and spent a week at The Foundry of DO! UGent. Thanks, Tom and Team DO!

Brusselsesteenweg 6, 9050 Ledeberg

And that’s how we ended up in our current office. It features two meeting rooms, a kitchen and dining area, a relaxation area, a lounge, and a workspace with room for at least 16 brilliant minds. If you’re in the neighbourhood, be sure to drop by!

Our opening event with an art gallery

Of course, we couldn’t let the opening of our new office pass without celebration! We marked the occasion with an afterwork event, complete with plenty of cava and delicious Davai dumplings. The festivities continued into an opening weekend, featuring artwork from Studio Kaman.